Source code for mplstereonet.stereonet_axes

import numpy as np

import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib.transforms import Affine2D
from matplotlib.projections import register_projection, LambertAxes
from matplotlib.axes import Axes, subplot_class_factory
from matplotlib.ticker import NullLocator, FixedLocator

import matplotlib.path as mpath
import matplotlib.patches as mpatches
import matplotlib.collections as mcollections

from . import stereonet_math
from . import contouring
from . import stereonet_transforms

[docs]class StereonetAxes(LambertAxes): """An axes representing a lower-hemisphere "schmitt" (a.k.a. equal area) projection.""" name = 'stereonet' RESOLUTION = 60 _base_transform = stereonet_transforms.LambertTransform _default_center_lat = 0 _default_center_lon = 0 _scale = np.sqrt(2)
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Initialization is identical to a normal Axes object except for the following kwarg: Parameters ----------- rotation : number The rotation of the stereonet in degrees clockwise from North. center_latitude : number The center latitude of the stereonet in degrees. center_longitude : number The center longitude of the stereonet in degrees. All additional args and kwargs are identical to Axes.__init__ """ self.horizon = np.radians(90) self._rotation = -np.radians(kwargs.pop('rotation', 0)) y0 = kwargs.get('center_latitude', self._default_center_lat) x0 = kwargs.get('center_longitude', self._default_center_lon) kwargs['center_latitude'] = y0 kwargs['center_longitude'] = x0 self._overlay_axes = None LambertAxes.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
def _get_core_transform(self, resolution): """The projection for the stereonet as a matplotlib transform. This is primarily called by LambertAxes._set_lim_and_transforms.""" return self._base_transform(self._center_longitude, self._center_latitude, resolution) def _get_affine_transform(self): """The affine portion of the base transform. This is called by LambertAxes._set_lim_and_transforms.""" # How big is the projected globe? # In the case of a stereonet, it's actually constant. xscale = yscale = self._scale # Create an affine transform to stretch the projection from 0-1 return Affine2D() \ .rotate(np.radians(self.rotation)) \ .scale(0.5 / xscale, 0.5 / yscale) \ .translate(0.5, 0.5) def _set_lim_and_transforms(self): """Setup the key transforms for the axes.""" # Most of the transforms are set up correctly by LambertAxes LambertAxes._set_lim_and_transforms(self) # Transform for latitude ticks. These are typically unused, but just # in case we need them... yaxis_stretch = Affine2D().scale(4 * self.horizon, 1.0) yaxis_stretch = yaxis_stretch.translate(-self.horizon, 0.0) # These are identical to LambertAxes._set_lim_and_transforms, but we # need to update things to reflect the new "yaxis_stretch" yaxis_space = Affine2D().scale(1.0, 1.1) self._yaxis_transform = \ yaxis_stretch + \ self.transData yaxis_text_base = \ yaxis_stretch + \ self.transProjection + \ (yaxis_space + \ self.transAffine + \ self.transAxes) self._yaxis_text1_transform = \ yaxis_text_base + \ Affine2D().translate(-8.0, 0.0) self._yaxis_text2_transform = \ yaxis_text_base + \ Affine2D().translate(8.0, 0.0)
[docs] def set_longitude_grid(self, degrees): """ Set the number of degrees between each longitude grid. """ number = int((360.0 / degrees) + 1) locs = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, number, True)[1:] locs[-1] -= 0.01 # Workaround for "back" gridlines showing. self.xaxis.set_major_locator(FixedLocator(locs)) self._logitude_degrees = degrees self.xaxis.set_major_formatter(self.ThetaFormatter(degrees))
[docs] def set_position(self, pos, which='both'): """Identical to Axes.set_position (This docstring is overwritten).""" self._polar.set_position(pos, which) if self._overlay_axes is not None: self._overlay_axes.set_position(pos, which) LambertAxes.set_position(self, pos, which)
# Use default docstring, as usage is identical. set_position.__doc__ = Axes.set_position.__doc__
[docs] def set_rotation(self, rotation): """Set the rotation of the stereonet in degrees clockwise from North.""" self._rotation = np.radians(rotation) self._polar.set_theta_offset(self._rotation + np.pi / 2.0) self.transData.invalidate() self.transAxes.invalidate() self._set_lim_and_transforms()
[docs] def get_rotation(self): """The rotation of the stereonet in degrees clockwise from North.""" return np.degrees(self._rotation)
# Using explicit property (instead of decorator) to allow explicit # matplotlib-style getters and setters. rotation = property(get_rotation, set_rotation)
[docs] def cla(self): """Identical to Axes.cla (This docstring is overwritten).""" Axes.cla(self) # Set grid defaults... self.set_longitude_grid(10) self.set_latitude_grid(10) self.set_longitude_grid_ends(80) # Hide all ticks and tick labels for the "native" lon and lat axes self.xaxis.set_minor_locator(NullLocator()) self.yaxis.set_minor_locator(NullLocator()) self.xaxis.set_ticks_position('none') self.yaxis.set_ticks_position('none') self.xaxis.set_tick_params(label1On=False) self.yaxis.set_tick_params(label1On=False) # Set the grid on or off based on the rc params. self.grid(mpl.rcParams['axes.grid']) # Set the default limits (so that the "native" ticklabels will be # correct if they're turned back on)... Axes.set_xlim(self, -2 * self.horizon, 2 * self.horizon) Axes.set_ylim(self, -np.pi / 2.0, np.pi / 2.0) # Set up the azimuth ticks. self._polar.set_theta_offset(np.radians(self.rotation + 90)) self._polar.set_theta_direction(-1) self._polar.grid(False) self._polar.set_rticks([])
# Use default docstring, as usage is identical. cla.__doc__ = Axes.cla.__doc__
[docs] def format_coord(self, x, y): """Format displayed coordinates during mouseover of axes.""" p, b = stereonet_math.geographic2plunge_bearing(x, y) s, d = stereonet_math.geographic2pole(x, y) pb = u'P/B={:0.0f}\u00b0/{:03.0f}\u00b0'.format(p[0], b[0]) sd = u'S/D={:03.0f}\u00b0/{:0.0f}\u00b0'.format(s[0], d[0]) return u'{}, {}'.format(pb, sd)
[docs] def grid(self, b=None, which='major', axis='both', kind='arbitrary', center=None, **kwargs): """ Usage is identical to a normal axes grid except for the ``kind`` and ``center`` kwargs. ``kind="polar"`` will add a polar overlay. The ``center`` and ``kind`` arguments allow you to add a grid from a differently-centered stereonet. This is useful for making "polar stereonets" that still use the same coordinate system as a standard stereonet. (i.e. a plane/line/whatever will have the same representation on both, but the grid is displayed differently.) To display a polar grid on a stereonet, use ``kind="polar"``. It is also often useful to display a grid relative to an arbitrary measurement (e.g. a lineation axis). In that case, use the ``lon_center`` and ``lat_center`` arguments. Note that these are in radians in "stereonet coordinates". Therefore, you'll often want to use one of the functions in ``stereonet_math`` to convert a line/plane/rake into the longitude and latitude you'd input here. For example: ``add_overlay(center=stereonet_math.line(plunge, bearing))``. If no parameters are specified, this is equivalent to turning on the standard grid. """ grid_on = self._gridOn Axes.grid(self, False) if kind == 'polar': center = 0, 0 if self._overlay_axes is not None: self._overlay_axes.remove() self._overlay_axes = None if not b and b is not None: return if b is None: if grid_on: return if center is None or np.allclose(center, (np.pi/2, 0)): return Axes.grid(self, b, which, axis, **kwargs) self._add_overlay(center) self._overlay_axes.grid(True, which, axis, **kwargs) self._gridOn = True
grid.__doc__ += Axes.grid.__doc__ def _add_overlay(self, center): """ Add a grid from a differently-centered stereonet. This is useful for making "polar stereonets" that still use the same coordinate system as a standard stereonet. (i.e. a plane/line/whatever will have the same representation on both, but the grid is displayed differently.) To display a polar grid on a stereonet, use ``kind="polar"``. It is also often useful to display a grid relative to an arbitrary measurement (e.g. a lineation axis). In that case, use the ``lon_center`` and ``lat_center`` arguments. Note that these are in radians in "stereonet coordinates". Therefore, you'll often want to use one of the functions in ``stereonet_math`` to convert a line/plane/rake into the longitude and latitude you'd input here. For example: ``add_overlay(center=stereonet_math.line(plunge, bearing))``. If no parameters are specified, this is equivalent to turning on the standard grid. Parameters ---------- center: 2-item tuple of numbers A tuple of (longitude, latitude) in radians that the overlay is centered on. """ plunge, bearing = stereonet_math.geographic2plunge_bearing(*center) lon0, lat0 = center fig = self.get_figure() self._overlay_axes = fig.add_axes(self.get_position(True), frameon=False,, center_longitude=0, center_latitude=np.radians(plunge), label='overlay', rotation=bearing) self._overlay_axes._polar.remove() self._overlay_axes.format_coord = self._overlay_format_coord self._overlay_axes.grid(True)
[docs] def set_longitude_grid_ends(self, value): LambertAxes.set_longitude_grid_ends(self, value) if self._overlay_axes is not None: self._overlay_axes.set_longitude_grid_ends(value)
# Use the existing docstring... set_longitude_grid_ends.__doc__ =\ LambertAxes.set_longitude_grid_ends.__doc__ @property def _polar(self): """The "hidden" polar axis used for azimuth labels.""" # This will be called inside LambertAxes.__init__ as well as every # time the axis is cleared, so we need the try/except to avoid having # multiple hidden axes when `cla` is _manually_ called. try: return self._hidden_polar_axes except AttributeError: fig = self.get_figure() self._hidden_polar_axes = fig.add_axes(self.get_position(True), frameon=False, projection='polar') self._hidden_polar_axes.format_coord = self._polar_format_coord return self._hidden_polar_axes def _format_helper(self, ax, x, y): xdisp, ydisp = ax.transData.transform_point([x, y]) x, y = self.transData.inverted().transform_point([xdisp, ydisp]) return self.format_coord(x, y) def _overlay_format_coord(self, x, y): return self._format_helper(self._overlay_axes, x, y) def _polar_format_coord(self, x, y): return self._format_helper(self._hidden_polar_axes, x, y)
[docs] def set_azimuth_ticks(self, angles, labels=None, frac=None, **kwargs): """ Sets the azimuthal tick locations (Note: tick lines are not currently drawn or supported.). Parameters ---------- angles : sequence of numbers The tick locations in degrees. labels : sequence of strings The tick label at each location. Defaults to a formatted version of the specified angles. frac : number The radial location of the tick labels. 1.0 is the along the edge, 1.1 would be outside, and 0.9 would be inside. **kwargs Additional parameters are text properties for the labels. """ return self._polar.set_thetagrids(angles, labels, frac, **kwargs)
def get_azimuth_ticks(self, minor=False): return self._polar.get_xticks(minor)
[docs] def set_azimuth_ticklabels(self, labels, fontdict=None, **kwargs): """ Sets the labels for the azimuthal ticks. Parameters ---------- labels : A sequence of strings Azimuth tick labels **kwargs Additional parameters are text properties for the labels. """ return self._polar.set_xticklabels(labels, fontdict, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_azimuth_ticklabels(self, minor=False): """Get the azimuth tick labels as a list of Text artists.""" return self._polar.get_xticklabels(minor)
[docs] def cone(self, plunge, bearing, angle, segments=100, bidirectional=True, **kwargs): """ Plot a polygon of a small circle (a.k.a. a cone) with an angular radius of *angle* centered at a p/b of *plunge*, *bearing*. Additional keyword arguments are passed on to the ``PathCollection``. (e.g. to have an unfilled small small circle, pass "facecolor='none'".) Parameters ---------- plunge : number or sequence of numbers The plunge of the center of the cone in degrees. bearing : number or sequence of numbers The bearing of the center of the cone in degrees. angle : number or sequence of numbers The angular radius of the cone in degrees. segments : int, optional The number of vertices to use for the cone. Defaults to 100. bidirectional : boolean, optional Whether or not to draw two patches (the one given and its antipode) for each measurement. Defaults to True. **kwargs Additional parameters are ``matplotlib.collections.PatchCollection`` properties. Returns ------- collection : ``matplotlib.collections.PathCollection`` Notes ----- If *bidirectional* is ``True``, two circles will be plotted, even if only one of each pair is visible. This is the default behavior. """ plunge, bearing, angle = np.atleast_1d(plunge, bearing, angle) patches = [] lons, lats = stereonet_math.cone(plunge, bearing, angle, segments) codes = mpath.Path.LINETO * np.ones(segments, dtype=np.uint8) codes[0] = mpath.Path.MOVETO if bidirectional: p, b = -plunge, bearing + 180 alons, alats = stereonet_math.cone(p, b, angle, segments) codes = np.hstack([codes, codes]) lons = np.hstack([lons, alons]) lats = np.hstack([lats, alats]) for lon, lat in zip(lons, lats): xy = np.vstack([lon, lat]).T path = mpath.Path(xy, codes) patches.append(mpatches.PathPatch(path)) col = mcollections.PatchCollection(patches, **kwargs) self.add_collection(col) return col
[docs] def plane(self, strike, dip, *args, **kwargs): """ Plot lines representing planes on the axes. Additional arguments and keyword arguments are passed on to `ax.plot`. Parameters ---------- strike, dip : number or sequences of numbers The strike and dip of the plane(s) in degrees. The dip direction is defined by the strike following the "right-hand rule". segments : int, optional The number of vertices to use for the line. Defaults to 100. **kwargs Additional parameters are passed on to `plot`. Returns ------- A sequence of Line2D artists representing the lines specified by `strike` and `dip`. """ segments = kwargs.pop('segments', 100) center = self._center_latitude, self._center_longitude lon, lat = stereonet_math.plane(strike, dip, segments, center) return self.plot(lon, lat, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def pole(self, strike, dip, *args, **kwargs): """ Plot points representing poles to planes on the axes. Additional arguments and keyword arguments are passed on to `ax.plot`. Parameters ---------- strike, dip : numbers or sequences of numbers The strike and dip of the plane(s) in degrees. The dip direction is defined by the strike following the "right-hand rule". **kwargs Additional parameters are passed on to `plot`. Returns ------- A sequence of Line2D artists representing the point(s) specified by `strike` and `dip`. """ lon, lat = stereonet_math.pole(strike, dip) args, kwargs = self._point_plot_defaults(args, kwargs) return self.plot(lon, lat, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def rake(self, strike, dip, rake_angle, *args, **kwargs): """ Plot points representing lineations along planes on the axes. Additional arguments and keyword arguments are passed on to `plot`. Parameters ---------- strike, dip : number or sequences of numbers The strike and dip of the plane(s) in degrees. The dip direction is defined by the strike following the "right-hand rule". rake_angle : number or sequences of numbers The angle of the lineation(s) on the plane(s) measured in degrees downward from horizontal. Zero degrees corresponds to the "right hand" direction indicated by the strike, while negative angles are measured downward from the opposite strike direction. **kwargs Additional arguments are passed on to `plot`. Returns ------- A sequence of Line2D artists representing the point(s) specified by `strike` and `dip`. """ lon, lat = stereonet_math.rake(strike, dip, rake_angle) args, kwargs = self._point_plot_defaults(args, kwargs) return self.plot(lon, lat, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def line(self, plunge, bearing, *args, **kwargs): """ Plot points representing linear features on the axes. Additional arguments and keyword arguments are passed on to `plot`. Parameters ---------- plunge, bearing : number or sequence of numbers The plunge and bearing of the line(s) in degrees. The plunge is measured in degrees downward from the end of the feature specified by the bearing. **kwargs Additional parameters are passed on to `plot`. Returns ------- A sequence of Line2D artists representing the point(s) specified by `strike` and `dip`. """ lon, lat = stereonet_math.line(plunge, bearing) args, kwargs = self._point_plot_defaults(args, kwargs) return self.plot([lon], [lat], *args, **kwargs)
def _point_plot_defaults(self, args, kwargs): """To avoid confusion for new users, this ensures that "scattered" points are plotted by by `plot` instead of points joined by a line. Parameters ---------- args : tuple Arguments representing additional parameters to be passed to `self.plot`. kwargs : dict Keyword arguments representing additional parameters to be passed to `self.plot`. Returns ------- Modified versions of `args` and `kwargs`. """ if args: return args, kwargs if 'ls' not in kwargs and 'linestyle' not in kwargs: kwargs['linestyle'] = 'none' if 'marker' not in kwargs: kwargs['marker'] = 'o' return args, kwargs def _contour_helper(self, args, kwargs): """Unify defaults and common functionality of ``density_contour`` and ``density_contourf``.""" contour_kwargs = {} contour_kwargs['measurement'] = kwargs.pop('measurement', 'poles') contour_kwargs['method'] = kwargs.pop('method', 'exponential_kamb') contour_kwargs['sigma'] = kwargs.pop('sigma', 3) contour_kwargs['gridsize'] = kwargs.pop('gridsize', 100) contour_kwargs['weights'] = kwargs.pop('weights', None) lon, lat, totals = contouring.density_grid(*args, **contour_kwargs) return lon, lat, totals, kwargs
[docs] def density_contour(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Estimates point density of the given linear orientation measurements (Interpreted as poles, lines, rakes, or "raw" longitudes and latitudes based on the `measurement` keyword argument.) and plots contour lines of the resulting density distribution. Parameters ---------- *args : A variable number of sequences of measurements. By default, this will be expected to be ``strike`` & ``dip``, both array-like sequences representing poles to planes. (Rake measurements require three parameters, thus the variable number of arguments.) The ``measurement`` kwarg controls how these arguments are interpreted. measurement : string, optional Controls how the input arguments are interpreted. Defaults to ``"poles"``. May be one of the following: ``"poles"`` : strikes, dips Arguments are assumed to be sequences of strikes and dips of planes. Poles to these planes are used for contouring. ``"lines"`` : plunges, bearings Arguments are assumed to be sequences of plunges and bearings of linear features. ``"rakes"`` : strikes, dips, rakes Arguments are assumed to be sequences of strikes, dips, and rakes along the plane. ``"radians"`` : lon, lat Arguments are assumed to be "raw" longitudes and latitudes in the stereonet's underlying coordinate system. method : string, optional The method of density estimation to use. Defaults to ``"exponential_kamb"``. May be one of the following: ``"exponential_kamb"`` : Kamb with exponential smoothing A modified Kamb method using exponential smoothing [1]_. Units are in numbers of standard deviations by which the density estimate differs from uniform. ``"linear_kamb"`` : Kamb with linear smoothing A modified Kamb method using linear smoothing [1]_. Units are in numbers of standard deviations by which the density estimate differs from uniform. ``"kamb"`` : Kamb with no smoothing Kamb's method [2]_ with no smoothing. Units are in numbers of standard deviations by which the density estimate differs from uniform. ``"schmidt"`` : 1% counts The traditional "Schmidt" (a.k.a. 1%) method. Counts points within a counting circle comprising 1% of the total area of the hemisphere. Does not take into account sample size. Units are in points per 1% area. sigma : int or float, optional The number of standard deviations defining the expected number of standard deviations by which a random sample from a uniform distribution of points would be expected to vary from being evenly distributed across the hemisphere. This controls the size of the counting circle, and therefore the degree of smoothing. Higher sigmas will lead to more smoothing of the resulting density distribution. This parameter only applies to Kamb-based methods. Defaults to 3. gridsize : int or 2-item tuple of ints, optional The size of the grid that the density is estimated on. If a single int is given, it is interpreted as an NxN grid. If a tuple of ints is given it is interpreted as (nrows, ncols). Defaults to 100. weights : array-like, optional The relative weight to be applied to each input measurement. The array will be normalized to sum to 1, so absolute value of the weights do not affect the result. Defaults to None. **kwargs Additional keyword arguments are passed on to matplotlib's `contour` function. Returns ------- A matplotlib ContourSet. See Also -------- mplstereonet.density_grid mplstereonet.StereonetAxes.density_contourf matplotlib.pyplot.contour matplotlib.pyplot.clabel Examples -------- Plot density contours of poles to the specified planes using a modified Kamb method with exponential smoothing [1]_. >>> strikes, dips = [120, 315, 86], [22, 85, 31] >>> ax.density_contour(strikes, dips) Plot density contours of a set of linear orientation measurements. >>> plunges, bearings = [-10, 20, -30], [120, 315, 86] >>> ax.density_contour(plunges, bearings, measurement='lines') Plot density contours of a set of rake measurements. >>> strikes, dips, rakes = [120, 315, 86], [22, 85, 31], [-5, 20, 9] >>> ax.density_contour(strikes, dips, rakes, measurement='rakes') Plot density contours of a set of "raw" longitudes and latitudes. >>> lon, lat = np.radians([-40, 30, -85]), np.radians([21, -59, 45]) >>> ax.density_contour(lon, lat, measurement='radians') Plot density contours of poles to planes using a Kamb method [2]_ with the density estimated on a 10x10 grid (in long-lat space) >>> strikes, dips = [120, 315, 86], [22, 85, 31] >>> ax.density_contour(strikes, dips, method='kamb', gridsize=10) Plot density contours of poles to planes with contours at [1,2,3] standard deviations. >>> strikes, dips = [120, 315, 86], [22, 85, 31] >>> ax.density_contour(strikes, dips, levels=[1,2,3]) References ---------- .. [1] Vollmer, 1995. C Program for Automatic Contouring of Spherical Orientation Data Using a Modified Kamb Method. Computers & Geosciences, Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 31--49. .. [2] Kamb, 1959. Ice Petrofabric Observations from Blue Glacier, Washington, in Relation to Theory and Experiment. Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 64, No. 11, pp. 1891--1909. """ lon, lat, totals, kwargs = self._contour_helper(args, kwargs) return self.contour(lon, lat, totals, **kwargs)
[docs] def density_contourf(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Estimates point density of the given linear orientation measurements (Interpreted as poles, lines, rakes, or "raw" longitudes and latitudes based on the `measurement` keyword argument.) and plots filled contours of the resulting density distribution. Parameters ---------- *args : A variable number of sequences of measurements. By default, this will be expected to be ``strike`` & ``dip``, both array-like sequences representing poles to planes. (Rake measurements require three parameters, thus the variable number of arguments.) The ``measurement`` kwarg controls how these arguments are interpreted. measurement : string, optional Controls how the input arguments are interpreted. Defaults to ``"poles"``. May be one of the following: ``"poles"`` : strikes, dips Arguments are assumed to be sequences of strikes and dips of planes. Poles to these planes are used for contouring. ``"lines"`` : plunges, bearings Arguments are assumed to be sequences of plunges and bearings of linear features. ``"rakes"`` : strikes, dips, rakes Arguments are assumed to be sequences of strikes, dips, and rakes along the plane. ``"radians"`` : lon, lat Arguments are assumed to be "raw" longitudes and latitudes in the stereonet's underlying coordinate system. method : string, optional The method of density estimation to use. Defaults to ``"exponential_kamb"``. May be one of the following: ``"exponential_kamb"`` : Kamb with exponential smoothing A modified Kamb method using exponential smoothing [1]_. Units are in numbers of standard deviations by which the density estimate differs from uniform. ``"linear_kamb"`` : Kamb with linear smoothing A modified Kamb method using linear smoothing [1]_. Units are in numbers of standard deviations by which the density estimate differs from uniform. ``"kamb"`` : Kamb with no smoothing Kamb's method [2]_ with no smoothing. Units are in numbers of standard deviations by which the density estimate differs from uniform. ``"schmidt"`` : 1% counts The traditional "Schmidt" (a.k.a. 1%) method. Counts points within a counting circle comprising 1% of the total area of the hemisphere. Does not take into account sample size. Units are in points per 1% area. sigma : int or float, optional The number of standard deviations defining the expected number of standard deviations by which a random sample from a uniform distribution of points would be expected to vary from being evenly distributed across the hemisphere. This controls the size of the counting circle, and therefore the degree of smoothing. Higher sigmas will lead to more smoothing of the resulting density distribution. This parameter only applies to Kamb-based methods. Defaults to 3. gridsize : int or 2-item tuple of ints, optional The size of the grid that the density is estimated on. If a single int is given, it is interpreted as an NxN grid. If a tuple of ints is given it is interpreted as (nrows, ncols). Defaults to 100. weights : array-like, optional The relative weight to be applied to each input measurement. The array will be normalized to sum to 1, so absolute value of the weights do not affect the result. Defaults to None. **kwargs Additional keyword arguments are passed on to matplotlib's `contourf` function. Returns ------- A matplotlib `QuadContourSet`. See Also -------- mplstereonet.density_grid mplstereonet.StereonetAxes.density_contour matplotlib.pyplot.contourf matplotlib.pyplot.clabel Examples -------- Plot filled density contours of poles to the specified planes using a modified Kamb method with exponential smoothing [1]_. >>> strikes, dips = [120, 315, 86], [22, 85, 31] >>> ax.density_contourf(strikes, dips) Plot filled density contours of a set of linear orientation measurements. >>> plunges, bearings = [-10, 20, -30], [120, 315, 86] >>> ax.density_contourf(plunges, bearings, measurement='lines') Plot filled density contours of a set of rake measurements. >>> strikes, dips, rakes = [120, 315, 86], [22, 85, 31], [-5, 20, 9] >>> ax.density_contourf(strikes, dips, rakes, measurement='rakes') Plot filled density contours of a set of "raw" longitudes and latitudes. >>> lon, lat = np.radians([-40, 30, -85]), np.radians([21, -59, 45]) >>> ax.density_contourf(lon, lat, measurement='radians') Plot filled density contours of poles to planes using a Kamb method [2]_ with the density estimated on a 10x10 grid (in long-lat space) >>> strikes, dips = [120, 315, 86], [22, 85, 31] >>> ax.density_contourf(strikes, dips, method='kamb', gridsize=10) Plot filled density contours of poles to planes with contours at [1,2,3] standard deviations. >>> strikes, dips = [120, 315, 86], [22, 85, 31] >>> ax.density_contourf(strikes, dips, levels=[1,2,3]) References ---------- .. [1] Vollmer, 1995. C Program for Automatic Contouring of Spherical Orientation Data Using a Modified Kamb Method. Computers & Geosciences, Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 31--49. .. [2] Kamb, 1959. Ice Petrofabric Observations from Blue Glacier, Washington, in Relation to Theory and Experiment. Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 64, No. 11, pp. 1891--1909. """ lon, lat, totals, kwargs = self._contour_helper(args, kwargs) return self.contourf(lon, lat, totals, **kwargs)
class EqualAngleAxes(StereonetAxes): """An axes representing a lower-hemisphere "Wulff" (a.k.a. equal angle) projection.""" _base_transform = stereonet_transforms.StereographicTransform _scale = 2.0 name = 'equal_angle_stereonet' class EqualAreaAxes(StereonetAxes): """An axes representing a lower-hemisphere "Schmitt" (a.k.a. equal area) projection.""" name = 'equal_area_stereonet' # We need to define explict subplot classes so that we don't mess up the # method resolution order when using matplotlib subplots. EqualAngleAxesSubplot = subplot_class_factory(EqualAngleAxes) EqualAngleAxesSubplot.__module__ = EqualAngleAxes.__module__ EqualAreaAxesSubplot = subplot_class_factory(EqualAngleAxes) EqualAreaAxesSubplot.__module__ = EqualAngleAxes.__module__ register_projection(StereonetAxes) register_projection(EqualAreaAxes) register_projection(EqualAngleAxes)