Source code for mplstereonet.contouring

import numpy as np
from . import stereonet_math

def _count_points(lons, lats, func, sigma, gridsize=(100,100), weights=None):
    """This function actually calculates the point density of the input ("lons"
    and "lats") points at a series of counter stations. Creates "gridsize"
    regular grid of counter stations in lat-long space, calculates the distance
    to all input points at each counter station, and then calculates the
    density using "func".  Each input point is weighted by the corresponding
    item of "weights".  The weights are normalized to 1 before calculation."""
    lons = np.atleast_1d(np.squeeze(lons))
    lats = np.atleast_1d(np.squeeze(lats))

    if not weights:
        weights = 1
    # Normalize the weights
    weights = np.asarray(weights, dtype=np.float)
    weights /= weights.mean()

    # Generate a regular grid of "counters" to measure on...
    bound = np.pi / 2.0
    nrows, ncols = gridsize
    xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = -bound, bound, -bound, bound
    lon, lat = np.mgrid[xmin : xmax : ncols * 1j, ymin : ymax : nrows * 1j]

    xyz_counters = stereonet_math.sph2cart(lon.ravel(), lat.ravel())
    xyz_counters = np.vstack(xyz_counters).T
    xyz_points = stereonet_math.sph2cart(lons, lats)
    xyz_points = np.vstack(xyz_points).T

    # Basically, we can't model this as a convolution as we're not in cartesian
    # space, so we have to iterate through and call the kernel function at
    # each "counter".
    totals = np.zeros(xyz_counters.shape[0], dtype=np.float)
    for i, xyz in enumerate(xyz_counters):
        cos_dist = np.abs(, xyz_points.T))
        density, scale = func(cos_dist, sigma)
        density *= weights
        totals[i] = (density.sum() - 0.5) / scale

    # Traditionally, the negative values (while valid, as they represent areas
    # with less than expected point-density) are not returned.
    totals[totals < 0] = 0
    counter_lon, counter_lat = stereonet_math.cart2sph(*xyz_counters.T)
    for item in [counter_lon, counter_lat, totals]:
        item.shape = gridsize
    return counter_lon, counter_lat, totals

[docs]def density_grid(*args, **kwargs): """ Estimates point density of the given linear orientation measurements (Interpreted as poles, lines, rakes, or "raw" longitudes and latitudes based on the `measurement` keyword argument.). Returns a regular (in lat-long space) grid of density estimates over a hemispherical surface. Parameters ---------- *args : 2 or 3 sequences of measurements By default, this will be expected to be ``strike`` & ``dip``, both array-like sequences representing poles to planes. (Rake measurements require three parameters, thus the variable number of arguments.) The ``measurement`` kwarg controls how these arguments are interpreted. measurement : string, optional Controls how the input arguments are interpreted. Defaults to ``"poles"``. May be one of the following: ``"poles"`` : strikes, dips Arguments are assumed to be sequences of strikes and dips of planes. Poles to these planes are used for contouring. ``"lines"`` : plunges, bearings Arguments are assumed to be sequences of plunges and bearings of linear features. ``"rakes"`` : strikes, dips, rakes Arguments are assumed to be sequences of strikes, dips, and rakes along the plane. ``"radians"`` : lon, lat Arguments are assumed to be "raw" longitudes and latitudes in the stereonet's underlying coordinate system. method : string, optional The method of density estimation to use. Defaults to ``"exponential_kamb"``. May be one of the following: ``"exponential_kamb"`` : Kamb with exponential smoothing A modified Kamb method using exponential smoothing [1]_. Units are in numbers of standard deviations by which the density estimate differs from uniform. ``"linear_kamb"`` : Kamb with linear smoothing A modified Kamb method using linear smoothing [1]_. Units are in numbers of standard deviations by which the density estimate differs from uniform. ``"kamb"`` : Kamb with no smoothing Kamb's method [2]_ with no smoothing. Units are in numbers of standard deviations by which the density estimate differs from uniform. ``"schmidt"`` : 1% counts The traditional "Schmidt" (a.k.a. 1%) method. Counts points within a counting circle comprising 1% of the total area of the hemisphere. Does not take into account sample size. Units are in points per 1% area. sigma : int or float, optional The number of standard deviations defining the expected number of standard deviations by which a random sample from a uniform distribution of points would be expected to vary from being evenly distributed across the hemisphere. This controls the size of the counting circle, and therefore the degree of smoothing. Higher sigmas will lead to more smoothing of the resulting density distribution. This parameter only applies to Kamb-based methods. Defaults to 3. gridsize : int or 2-item tuple of ints, optional The size of the grid that the density is estimated on. If a single int is given, it is interpreted as an NxN grid. If a tuple of ints is given it is interpreted as (nrows, ncols). Defaults to 100. weights : array-like, optional The relative weight to be applied to each input measurement. The array will be normalized to sum to 1, so absolute value of the weights do not affect the result. Defaults to None. Returns ------- xi, yi, zi : 2D arrays The longitude, latitude and density values of the regularly gridded density estimates. Longitude and latitude are in radians. See Also --------- mplstereonet.StereonetAxes.density_contourf mplstereonet.StereonetAxes.density_contour References ---------- .. [1] Vollmer, 1995. C Program for Automatic Contouring of Spherical Orientation Data Using a Modified Kamb Method. Computers & Geosciences, Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 31--49. .. [2] Kamb, 1959. Ice Petrofabric Observations from Blue Glacier, Washington, in Relation to Theory and Experiment. Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 64, No. 11, pp. 1891--1909. """ def do_nothing(x, y): return x, y measurement = kwargs.get('measurement', 'poles') gridsize = kwargs.get('gridsize', 100) weights = kwargs.get('weights', None) try: gridsize = int(gridsize) gridsize = (gridsize, gridsize) except TypeError: pass func = {'poles':stereonet_math.pole, 'lines':stereonet_math.line, 'rakes':stereonet_math.rake, 'radians':do_nothing}[measurement] lon, lat = func(*args) method = kwargs.get('method', 'exponential_kamb') sigma = kwargs.get('sigma', 3) func = {'linear_kamb':_linear_inverse_kamb, 'square_kamb':_square_inverse_kamb, 'schmidt':_schmidt_count, 'kamb':_kamb_count, 'exponential_kamb':_exponential_kamb, }[method] lon, lat, z = _count_points(lon, lat, func, sigma, gridsize, weights) if method not in ('schmidt', 'kamb'): # This is really a bit of a plotting hack. We don't want to ever draw # a 0 contour for smoothed methods, as it isn't well defined. z[z == 0] = np.finfo(z.dtype).tiny return lon, lat, z
def _kamb_radius(n, sigma): """Radius of kernel for Kamb-style smoothing.""" a = sigma**2 / (float(n) + sigma**2) return (1 - a) def _kamb_units(n, radius): """Normalization function for Kamb-style counting.""" return np.sqrt(n * radius * (1 - radius)) # All of the following kernel functions return an _unsummed_ distribution and # a normalization factor def _exponential_kamb(cos_dist, sigma=3): """Kernel function from Vollmer for exponential smoothing.""" n = float(cos_dist.size) f = 2 * (1.0 + n / sigma**2) count = np.exp(f * (cos_dist - 1)) units = np.sqrt(n * (f/2.0 - 1) / f**2) return count, units def _linear_inverse_kamb(cos_dist, sigma=3): """Kernel function from Vollmer for linear smoothing.""" n = float(cos_dist.size) radius = _kamb_radius(n, sigma) f = 2 / (1 - radius) cos_dist = cos_dist[cos_dist >= radius] count = (f * (cos_dist - radius)) return count, _kamb_units(n, radius) def _square_inverse_kamb(cos_dist, sigma=3): """Kernel function from Vollemer for inverse square smoothing.""" n = float(cos_dist.size) radius = _kamb_radius(n, sigma) f = 3 / (1 - radius)**2 cos_dist = cos_dist[cos_dist >= radius] count = (f * (cos_dist - radius)**2) return count, _kamb_units(n, radius) def _kamb_count(cos_dist, sigma=3): """Original Kamb kernel function (raw count within radius).""" n = float(cos_dist.size) dist = _kamb_radius(n, sigma) count = (cos_dist >= dist).astype(float) return count, _kamb_units(n, dist) def _schmidt_count(cos_dist, sigma=None): """Schmidt (a.k.a. 1%) counting kernel function.""" radius = 0.01 count = ((1 - cos_dist) <= radius).astype(float) # To offset the count.sum() - 0.5 required for the kamb methods... count = 0.5 / count.size + count return count, (cos_dist.size * radius)